Articles in English, Glossary

[CSR ABC] Why on Earth is everyone hyping about CSRD?

In 2024, most companies based in the European Union, and abroad but with the UE as their main trade partner will have to submit a CSR report under the new Corporate Social Responsibility Directive (CSRD). But what is it and does it entail?

Articles in English, Economy/Economie/Economìa, Glossary

How to develop a sustainability/CSR strategy?

Having a sustainability/CSR strategy is essential to create a coherent CSR policy and to share your genuine engagement. Steps include materiality assessment, ideation, monitoring development and communication & implementation.

Articles in English, Environment/medioambiente/environnement, Glossary

[CSR ABC] What on Earth are scope 1, 2, 3 emissions?

If you work in CSR, you must have come across the terms 1, 2, 3 emissions. They are categories of CO2 emissions from the GHG Protocol to establish a carbon assessment.

CSRinfluencers- Conference, CSR, RSE, sustainable business, éthique, conference
Agreement/acuerdo/traité, Articles in English, Economy/Economie/Economìa, Glossary

[CSR ABC] Why on Earth should I use ISO 26000?

Many standards exist in the world of CSR, but one comes on top of all of them, ISO 26000. However, it is just a mere framework rather than a certification. So why should you use it anyway for your Corporate Social Responsibility?